Are You the One?

Third Sunday in Advent - December 12, 2021

The American folk song “I Wonder as I Wander” captures the Advent question asked by John the Baptist’s messengers in today’s Holy Gospel. “Are You the one,” they wondered, “or shall we look for another?” We live in a wandering world, constantly looking, seeking, and yearning for that one thing, that one idea, that one person, that one amount of money that unlocks the way to a life of flourishing. Today we rejoice that amidst our wonderings and wanderings, Jesus is the one. He is the one by whom the blind saw, the lame walked, lepers were cleansed, demon-possessed people were freed, and the dead were raised. Jesus is the one who will restore all creation to its original perfection and who, when He comes again in glory, will restore all things forever.
