New Years Eve Worship
Are we there yet? How much longer till we get there? Are we almost there?
Are we there yet? How much longer till we get there? Are we almost there?
We conclude our study of the names of God given to the Messiah, our Lord Jesus, this Sunday with the one we didn’t consider during the Advent Season: Mighty God. Join us!
We gather to celebrate the entrance of the Son of God into the human race. Join us!
The Gospel of Luke tells us that there was no room for them in the inn. It just doesn’t seem right. God promised to send His Savior and when he finally comes…there is no room? We investigate this phrase and learn why there was no room and still is no room for Jesus. We also … [Read more…]
He’s called the Key of David. He holds the Key of Death and Hell. He has given us the Keys of the Kingdom so that we use them to let others in…let’s use them!
Join us for Midweek Advent Worship the first three Wednesdays in December (4th,11th,18th) for a series based on the words found in Isaiah 9:6.
No, not the song made famous by those young men from ‘across the pond’ but a word of praise offered by an aged priest named Zacharias. He’s not talking about his own son, John either, but the Rising Dawn from on high, our Lord Jesus. Join us as we praise God for sending His Son … [Read more…]
Join us for Midweek Advent Worship the first three Wednesdays in December (4th,11th,18th) for a series based on the words found in Isaiah 9:6.
Jesus is described as a new shoot springing up from the family of Jesse growing into a branch that bears fruit.
Join us for Midweek Advent Worship the first three Wednesdays in December (4th,11th,18th) for a series based on the words found in Isaiah 9:6.