Is life a simulation?

I recently saw a post online that featured two pictures of the same house taken the same time on consecutive days claiming to prove that life on earth is a computer simulation. Seriously…just like the movie series the Matrix. In our worship, Jesus the Son of God tells a story and teaches us about the … [Read more…]

A Lesson in Prayer

We continue our study of Matthew 8:1-13 this Sunday. Last week we met a Jew with Leprosy. This week we encounter a Gentile Soldier, a Centurion whose young servant is paralyzed and suffering. We note his humility in approaching Jesus — much like the Leper — and marvel with Jesus at His Faith, which recognized … [Read more…]

Place and Role in Life

When our children are born and as they grow, parents pray that God help them to find their place in life, and if it is His will, a godly spouse and godly children. We really don’t know the plans of God, so we trust Him to guide and bless them. It was different with the … [Read more…]

Inquiring Minds

The National Enquirer is a tabloid magazine that publishes “…gossipy news about day to day topics and celebrity lives.” It’s been published since the 1920s and took on the slogan ‘enquiring minds want to know’ in the 1980s. Human beings are curious…we want to know the answer to every question…even when there aren’t answers. When … [Read more…]

Where are my keys?

Have you ever put something important ‘where they won’t get lost’ and be unable to find them? It can be extremely frustrating. There are also times when we look at scripture and confess the Apostles Creed and pray the Lord’s Prayer and not really think about it because it’s so familiar. This Sunday we will … [Read more…]

Christmas Cleanup

It’s almost time to start cleaning up the decorations. Let’s begin this Sunday by cleaning up our hearts and minds by studying God’s Word.

There Is No Room

The Gospel of Luke tells us that there was no room for them in the inn. It just doesn’t seem right. God promised to send His Savior and when he finally comes…there is no room? We investigate this phrase and learn why there was no room and still is no room for Jesus. We also … [Read more…]